The mission of the Department of Logistics & Supply Chain Management is to provide high quality education that enables graduates to be highly competent professionals that can excel in leadership posts, pursue research and graduate studies in logistics & supply chain management, foster societal leadership, and contribute to the prosperity and sustainability of our community and the Kingdom by instilling value-based attitudes with the highest ethical standards.
The LSCM program allows the students to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Bachelor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management (LSCM): The Bachelor of LSCM program allows students to build complete knowledge related to all aspects of the supply chain processes to include purchasing, logistics, and storing, distributing and transporting plans. Therefore, proper decision making process to sustainability and continuity of all goods & services is considered. The eligible students are expected to successfully manage any task or assignment related to LSCM in the actual work field.
Program Objectives
▪ Provide students with a solid theoretical and applied knowledge of supply chain theories, Logistics and Communication.
▪ Provide students with the knowledge and tools required for meaningful and successful careers.
▪ Prepare students for management and technical responsibilities.
▪ Promote written and critical thinking.
▪ Prepare students for further studies and research in graduate schools.
▪ Provide the educational background for various professional certification examinations such as Certified Marketing Analyst, Certified logistics Manager, etc.
▪ Promote the core ethical values underlying best practices in the various aspects of logistics and supply chain processes and communication.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the LSCM program, students will be able to
1. Develop a basic comprehension of theories and concepts in the field of Logistics & Supply Chain;
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the core ethical values underlying best practices in producing, purchasing, procurement, logistic, storing and selling of goods and services
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the research methods used in the many fields of Logistics and Supply Chain Management;
4. Articulate the complexity of communication place in society and culture;
5. Communicate effectively in written form within the conventions of buying & selling as a discipline, and;
6. Demonstrate the critical inquiry and analysis skills needed to engage constructively in intellectual discourse within supply chain management as a field of study and profession.
Program Requirements
In order to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in in Logistics & Supply Chain Management students are expected to complete a total of 138 credit hours by the end of their fourth year of studies.
These are divided as follows:
Credits Total 138 Credits
University Requirements
Students working towards the bachelor’s degree in Logistics & Supply Chain Management must complete a total of 37 credit hours in University requirements. The 37 credit hours in University general educational requirements for Bachelor program are as follows:
A. University Core Requirements (37 credits)
B. University Elective Requirements (3 credits): one 3-credit non-business elective courses
College Requirements
Students working towards the bachelor’s degree in Logistics & Supply Chain Management must complete a total of 50 credit hours in College requirements.
The 59 credit hours in requirements for Bachelor program are as follows:
A. College Core Requirements (50 credits)
Program Requirements
To graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Logistics & Supply Chain Management program, students must complete 51 credit hours in Business and Management courses which are:
A. Program Core Requirements (42 credits)
B. Program Elective Requirements (9 Credits)