Welcome to the Department of Computer Science!


As the chair of this esteemed department, I am thrilled to welcome you all to an exciting academic year filled with opportunities for growth, exploration, and innovation. Computer science lies at the heart of our digital age, driving technological advancements that shape the way we live, work, and communicate.

Our department is committed to providing a rigorous and comprehensive education that enforce critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deep understanding of computer science principles and applications. We strive to create an environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, encourages collaborative learning, and empowers our students to become leaders in this ever-evolving field.

To our students, I encourage you to embrace this incredible opportunity to dive deep into the world of computer science. Engage in cutting-edge research, and leverage the expertise of our faculty. Take advantage of the resources and support available to you, and let your curiosity and passion for technology guide you on this transformative journey.


Welcome once again

Osamah A.M Ghaleb.

Acting Chair, Department of Computer Science

Program Mission


The Computer Science program is dedicated to delivering high-quality education, fostering leadership skills, and addressing the diverse needs in teaching, learning, and research.

It emphasizes community service and integrates a comprehensive technology infrastructure, preparing students to lead and excel in the evolving field of computer science.

Program Objectives 


1.  Provide students with knowledge of the fundamentals in computer science theory, design skills, and basic sciences for a career in computer science.
2.  Develop students’ skills in theoretical and practical knowledge as well as in field training in Computer Science.
3.  Sharpen students’ analytic, interpretive, and communicative skills including oral, written and teamwork as well as ethical conduct.
4.  Provide students with means to address contemporary research problems in Computer Science apply the acquired knowledge in industrial settings.
5.  Accommodate recent advances in Computer Science via periodic revision of the curriculum.

Program Tracks 


The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science offers two tracks as follows:


  • General Computer Science:


This track provides a comprehensive foundation in computer science, covering essential topics like algorithms, data structures, software engineering, and computer architecture. It's designed for students who wish to gain a broad understanding of the field and its applications.


  •   Cybersecurity Track:


This track is tailored for students interested in safeguarding computer systems, networks, and data. The curriculum includes network security, cryptography, ethical hacking, and cybersecurity policy, preparing students for the dynamic and vital field of cybersecurity.


Study Plans

Career Opportunities


·         Network Security Expert/Officer
·         System Administrator
·         System Operator
·         Software Engineer
·         Database Administrator
·         IT Trainer
·         Computer Programmer
·         Webmaster
·         Computer sales support specialist
·         Web Designer

Learning Outcomes


Knowledge and Understanding

K1 Show knowledge of fundamental Mathematics, Science, and CS in Real life.
K2 Outline acquired education to understand the impact of computer solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
K3 Define the design of a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety,  manufacturability, and sustainability.
K4 Describe the major tracks of CS involved in the industry


S1  Examine the efficiency and usefulness of CS principles in a broad range of non-computing applications
S2  Develop the design and implementation of a computer-based system, process, or program to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
S3  Formulate, and solve major CS problems.
S4  Compare between various development tools and CS tools used in designing projects
S5  Compare design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity


V1  Maximize a good level of understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities as part of a team
V2  Show work skills independently and as part of a team, and exhibit leadership characteristics
V3  Communicate effectively with other members of the team
V4  Demonstrate communication skills such as writing, reading, presenting, negotiating and debating


Admission Requirements


The University Council, in consultation with the College Councils and the Director of Admission and Registration, determines the number of students to be admitted each academic year. Admission requirements include:


  • Holding a Saudi High School Certificate or its equivalent from the past five years, or a Diploma from a Technical or Community College for bridging program applicants. The University Council may make exceptions.
  • Passing any tests or interviews deemed necessary by the University Council.
  • Being medically fit and of good conduct.
  • Providing a “No Objection” letter from the employer, if applicable (Admission Policy).


Specific conditions for the bridging program include (Admission Policy):


  • High School Certificate suitability for the chosen college major.
  • Acceptance into disciplines corresponding to the diploma specialization.


Applicants must take placement tests in English, mathematics, and computers. Those failing these tests must enroll in the preparatory year program. All submitted documents become the property of FBSU and cannot be returned​ (Admission Policy) .


The Admission Committee evaluates applicants based on high school grades, test results, personal interviews, and any additional acceptance tests. Admitted students are notified between August 1 and August 15 for the first semester, and January 1 and January 15 for the second semester​ (Admission Policy) , They receive a leaflet with registration and payment guidelines and must attend Orientation Day (Admission Policy) (Admission of College Diploma Students). Failure to register on time without requesting deferred admission results in acceptance revocation​ (Admission Policy) .


Program Criteria


The programs at the College of Computers are designed to comply with the accreditation requirements of ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. and IEEE/ACM Guidelines. Education and social sciences. Practical laboratory experience and a focus on design are important elements of these elements in the curriculum for the various disciplines.

Degree Requirements


To graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, students must satisfactorily complete a four-year program consisting of 139 credit hours. The distribution of courses is as follows:


University Requirements    

37 Credits

College Requirements 

37 Credits

Computer Science Requirements 

65 Credits


139 Credits

Practical Training/Summer Internship 



All students pursuing a major in Computer Science at our institution are required to complete a 1 credit hour internship, lasting between 8 to 12 weeks. This crucial component of the curriculum is designed to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the professional computing landscape.

Internship Opportunities:
Students can fulfill their internship requirement by engaging with various organizations, including but not limited to:
1. Private Sector Companies: Gain exposure to corporate IT environments, working on projects that could range from software development to network security.
2. Governmental Agencies: Experience the public sector's approach to information technology, including policy implementation and public service IT projects.
3. Academic Institutions: Participate in research or IT support roles within universities or colleges, contributing to academic advancements and support systems.

Learning Outcomes:
The internship program aims to provide students with:
1. Practical Experience: Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing problem-solving and technical skills.
2. Professional Networking: Build connections with industry professionals, which can lead to future job opportunities.
3. Career Readiness: Develop a deeper understanding of the computing industry's expectations and work culture, preparing students for a smooth transition into their professional careers.

Application Process:
1. Eligibility: Open to senior Computer Science students who have completed the prerequisite coursework.
2. Placement Assistance: The Career Services Office offers support in finding suitable internship placements, including resume workshops, interview preparation, and networking events.
3. Documentation: Students must submit an Internship Agreement Form, detailing their internship role, duration, and learning objectives. Upon completion, an Internship Report and an Employer Evaluation Form are required to earn the credit.

Support and Resources:
1. Internship Coordinator: A dedicated faculty member is available to guide students through the internship process, address any concerns, and ensure that the experience meets academic standards. Workshops and Seminars: Regularly scheduled sessions to prepare students for the internship experience, covering
2. topics such as workplace etiquette, project management, and technical skills enhancement.


Contact Information:
For more details on the Computer Science internship requirement, please contact:

Final Year Project 




As part of their fourth year, all College of Computing students following a bachelor's program are required to carry out a significant project and submit a comprehensive technical report. This project is a substantial piece of work that demands creative activity and original thinking. Students, typically grouped in teams of three, are supervised while working on a project that accounts for 4 credits and extends over a full academic year.


The Final Year Project (FYP) aims to provide students with a transitional experience from the academic world to the professional world.
It serves as a platform for students to engage in meaningful design experiences requiring the solution of complex engineering design problems.
The project is important for several reasons:

1.  Capstone Design Work: It is the largest single piece of design work that a student undertakes during their bachelor's degree program.
2.  Specialization Opportunity: It allows students to specialize in a topic that they enjoy and are passionate about.
3.  Professional Relevance: It is the work that prospective employers are most likely to inquire about during job interviews.
4.  Skill Demonstration: It allows students to showcase a wide range of skills learned throughout their academic journey.
5.Comprehensive Development: Students must demonstrate their ability to deliver a product that has passed through design, analysis, testing, and evaluation stages.

Support and Resources:

1.  Faculty Advisors: Each team is assigned a faculty advisor who provides guidance, feedback, and support throughout the project.
2. Workshops and Seminars: Regular sessions to assist students with various aspects of their projects, such as research methodologies, project management, and technical skills.
3.  Laboratories and Equipment: Access to state-of-the-art computer labs, software tools, and other resources necessary for project development.
4. Peer Support: Opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing with fellow students.

Evaluation Criteria:

The FYP is evaluated based on several criteria, including:
1.  Originality and Innovation: The uniqueness and creativity of the project.
2.  Technical Competence: The application of technical skills and knowledge.
3.  Project Management: The ability to plan, execute, and manage the project effectively.
4.  Documentation: The quality and thoroughness of project documentation.
5.Presentation and Defense: The effectiveness of the oral presentation and the ability to defend the project.

Contact Information:

For more details on the Final Year Project requirements and guidelines, please contact:
     -FYP Coordinator: Mrs. Hiba Alsenawi
     -Email: habdelhakim@fbsu.edu.sa
     -Office: Room 2033, College of Computing


Final Year Project Policy and Guidlines

Program Information


Computer Science Department is a leading department in College of Computing. It was established in 1424 H. The department has graduated hundreds of students from its BS programs.


Program Mission Statement


To provide quality education in different advanced Computer Science fields by exposing students to both theoretical and practical experiences. Preparing them to contribute significantly to the research and advancement of new and emerging technology in computing, and fostering perception and awareness of their leading role in the development of their community.


Degree Requirement:

  •  Project Track

Successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of graduate courses.

Completion and successful defense of a research project of 6 credit hours.

  •  Thesis Track 

Successful completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate courses.

Completion and successful defense of a research project of 12 credit hours.


FBSU invites students with a sound academic record, good personal character, strong interest to serve their communities and eagerness to serve as professionals in allied fields.



Applicants must satisfy the following eligibility requirements:


  1.  A four-year Bachelor’s (B.S.) Degree in computer science, computer engineering or any relevance degree from a recognized institution with a major in the proposed field or evidence of suitable background for entering the proposed field.
  2.  Prospective students having with Bachelor Degree other than computer science including (software engineering, information systems, Business information systems, electrical engineering, and electronics) may be considered for placing the application for the admission. Admission committee will decide for the applicant’s admission depending upon his suitability.
  3.  A Grade-Point Average (GPA) of 3.75 or higher on a scale of 5.00 or 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.00 (i.e. 3.75/5 or 3/4).
  4.  In case of having 3 years and onwards of industrial experience in the computer science or software industry then 3.00 GPA may be considered after the admission committee’s recommendation where a condition of 3.75 GPA in core courses is
  5. satisfied.
  6.  English language requirement (e.g. Completion of TOEFL or IELTS with a minimum score) set by the admission committee.
  7.  General Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score will be the advantageous at the time of admission.
  8.  At least three letters of recommendation from the faculty who taught the applicant undergraduate courses. [Sealed and signed]
  9.  Satisfactorily meeting any additional departmental or university admission requirements. Present a “No-Objection” letter from the employer, if applicable.
  10.  Should not have been dismissed from any academic institution.
  11.  Fulfill program requirements.
  12.  Fulfill other University requirements.



A student who satisfies the above criteria except English language requirement then English language test may be taken at FBSU.



Program Structure & Curriculum Study Plan