Program Information


Computer Science Department is a leading department in College of Computing. It was established in 1424 H. The department has graduated hundreds of students from its BS programs.


Program Mission Statement


To provide quality education in different advanced Computer Science fields by exposing students to both theoretical and practical experiences. Preparing them to contribute significantly to the research and advancement of new and emerging technology in computing, and fostering perception and awareness of their leading role in the development of their community.


Degree Requirement:

  •  Project Track

Successful completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours of graduate courses.

Completion and successful defense of a research project of 6 credit hours.

  •  Thesis Track 

Successful completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate courses.

Completion and successful defense of a research project of 12 credit hours.


FBSU invites students with a sound academic record, good personal character, strong interest to serve their communities and eagerness to serve as professionals in allied fields.



Applicants must satisfy the following eligibility requirements:


  1.  A four-year Bachelor’s (B.S.) Degree in computer science, computer engineering or any relevance degree from a recognized institution with a major in the proposed field or evidence of suitable background for entering the proposed field.
  2.  Prospective students having with Bachelor Degree other than computer science including (software engineering, information systems, Business information systems, electrical engineering, and electronics) may be considered for placing the application for the admission. Admission committee will decide for the applicant’s admission depending upon his suitability.
  3.  A Grade-Point Average (GPA) of 3.75 or higher on a scale of 5.00 or 3.0 or higher on a scale of 4.00 (i.e. 3.75/5 or 3/4).
  4.  In case of having 3 years and onwards of industrial experience in the computer science or software industry then 3.00 GPA may be considered after the admission committee’s recommendation where a condition of 3.75 GPA in core courses is
  5. satisfied.
  6.  English language requirement (e.g. Completion of TOEFL or IELTS with a minimum score) set by the admission committee.
  7.  General Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score will be the advantageous at the time of admission.
  8.  At least three letters of recommendation from the faculty who taught the applicant undergraduate courses. [Sealed and signed]
  9.  Satisfactorily meeting any additional departmental or university admission requirements. Present a “No-Objection” letter from the employer, if applicable.
  10.  Should not have been dismissed from any academic institution.
  11.  Fulfill program requirements.
  12.  Fulfill other University requirements.



A student who satisfies the above criteria except English language requirement then English language test may be taken at FBSU.



Program Structure & Curriculum Study Plan