Tuition Fees
Costs to students in tuition and other university fees, are kept at a minimum consistent with the provision of high quality instruction and adequate facilities and equipment. The University reserves the right to change any or all fees at any time without prior notice. Such changes are applicable to students currently registered with the University as well as to new students. Students are not permitted to enter classes at the beginning of the term until their fees are paid or special arrangements have been made with the Office of the Comptroller.
Payment of Fees
• Each FBSU student must pay all his/her tuition and other university fees.
• Statements of Fees are available at the Office of Registrar or on the FBSU website.
• Under special circumstances, late payment of tuition fees is permitted during a period of no more than five working days after the announced deadline, and is subject to a late payment fee.
• Checks must be issued to the order of the bank concerned using the following format: Pay to the order of (Name of Bank) - Account FBSU.
• Students are expected to meet all financial obligations to the University by the appropriate due date. For any student who fails to promptly meet his/her financial obligations the University reserves the right to place an encumbrance on the student’s record that prevents registration for future semesters and the release of transcripts and diplomas, and also prevents access to other university services. It is each student’s responsibility to be informed of all registration and fee payment dates and deadlines. Up-to-date schedules for registration and payment of fees are available through the Office of the Registrar.
Refund policy
In the event a student withdraws for justifiable reasons after registration, fees are refunded according to the following schedule for the fall and spring semester:
• Before the official start of classes 100% of full tuition and other fees
• During the first week of classes 75% of tuition
• During the second week of classes 50% of tuition
• During the third week of classes 25% of tuition
No refunds are due after the end of the third week of classes.
Tuition Discount and Fee Waiver Program
Tuition is partially waived if the student is associated with the university in one of the following ways.
Dependents of University Staff
Up to three dependents (sons, and/or daughters, and/or wives) of University Staff are eligible for 30% discount on their tuition and fees provided that other outstanding fees are paid within university set deadlines.
Siblings attending the university are eligible for 10% discount each on their tuition and fees provided that other outstanding fees are paid within university set deadlines.