


إعداد طلاب المدارس الثانوية للانتقال السلس من التعليم المدرسي إلى التعليم الجامعي.




إنشاء برنامج تعليم أساسي عالي الجودة لجميع طلاب الجامعة ، بما في ذلك اللغة الإنجليزية والرياضيات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بهدف توجيههم إلى طريق النجاح والتميز في برامج التعلم الجامعي والمجتمع المحلي.




من المهم ملاحظة أن قبول الطلاب في FYP و FBSU سيكون عادة في الفصل الدراسي الأول ، وربما في الفصل الدراسي الثاني. يُطلب من كل طالب إجراء اختبارات تحديد المستوى في اللغة الإنجليزية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والرياضيات لتحديد مستواه في هذه الموضوعات. سيتم وضع الطلاب في أحد مستويين في اللغة الإنجليزية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والرياضيات بناءً على أدائهم في اختبارات تحديد المستوى المقابلة. مدة كل مستوى فصل دراسي واحد مع 15 أسبوعا تليها اختبارات الكفاءة المصممة بشكل صحيح. تم تصميم الاختبارات من قبل أعضاء هيئة التدريس في برنامج FYP بالتشاور مع فريق الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت خصيصًا لهذا الغرض. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، عند الاقتضاء ، يجب على الطلاب استيفاء معايير القبول التي حددتها الكليات التي يتقدمون إليها.

مدة برنامج السنة التحضيرية

سيتم وضع الطلاب الذين ينضمون إلى برنامج FYP في أحد مستويين في اللغة الإنجليزية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والرياضيات بناءً على أدائهم في اختبارات تحديد المستوى المقابلة. مدة كل مستوى فصل دراسي واحد مع 15 أسبوعا تليها اختبارات الكفاءة المصممة بشكل صحيح.

يمكن إكمال البرنامج في فصل أو فصلين دراسيين اعتمادًا على مستوى دخول المتعلم وكذلك على أهداف المهارات والمحتوى على النحو الذي تحدده اختبارات الكفاءة. لذلك ، من المهم أن يدرك جميع أصحاب المصلحة أن اكتساب مهارات القراءة والكتابة والمحتوى وتعزيزها والبناء عليها يستغرق وقتًا. قد يُطلب من الطلاب الذين يفشلون في إكمال البرنامج في غضون عامين الانسحاب من الجامعة.

التنسيب والترويج في برنامج السنة التحضيرية

سيتم تخصيص مستوى تعليمي لجميع المتقدمين للجامعة في كل من المواد الثلاثة (اللغة الإنجليزية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والرياضيات) بناءً على أدائهم في اختبارات خاصة مصممة لقياس قدراتهم ومهاراتهم ومعرفتهم في هذه المجالات الثلاثة.

الترقية إلى مستوى أعلى في كل من المواد الثلاثة (اللغة الإنجليزية ، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، والرياضيات) ليست تلقائية ؛ يجب على المتعلمين إثبات أنهم حققوا بنجاح الأهداف التعليمية المحددة للمستوى الحالي قبل الانتقال إلى مستوى أعلى. سيتم إجراء اختبار تحديد المستوى مرة أخرى ليكون بمثابة مقياس للتقدم الذي أحرزه المتعلمون خلال فترة فصل دراسي واحد.

تقييم المتعلم

بالإضافة إلى اختبارات التحصيل والاختبارات التقليدية ، سيتم تقييم المتعلمين من خلال أشكال بديلة من التقييم تكون أكثر تكوينية ونوعية بطبيعتها ، مثل المحافظ ، والملاحظات المركزة مع قوائم المراجعة ، والتقييم الذاتي وتقييم الزملاء ، والمقابلات ، والمشاريع ، والعروض التقديمية الشفوية ، والمؤتمرات .

سيتم تحديد الخروج من البرنامج عند تحقيق درجة مرضية في مقاييس الكفاءة المصممة جيدًا في مختلف المجالات.


.. we will translate it soon asap

Our Faculty




To prepare Secondary School graduates for a smooth transition into university education.




To provide quality instruction in English Language, Math, and IT to all students who have chosen FBSU as their academic institution for higher education.




It is important to note that admission of students to the FYP and FBSU will be usually in the first semester, and possibly in the second semester. Each student is required to take placement tests in English, IT, and Mathematics to determine their level in these topics. Students will be placed in one of two levels in English, IT, and Mathematics based on their performance on the corresponding placement tests. The duration of each level is one semester with 15 weeks followed by properly designed proficiency tests. The tests are designed by the FYP faculty members in consultation with the AUB team specifically for this purpose.  In addition, where applicable, students must satisfy the admission criteria set by the colleges to which they apply.



Students joining the FYP will be placed in one of two levels in English, IT, and Mathematics based on their performance on the corresponding placement tests. The duration of each level is one semester followed by properly designed proficiency tests.


Duration of the FYP

The program could be completed in one or two semesters depending on the entry level of the learner as well as on the skills and content targets as determined by the proficiency tests. It is important, therefore, that all stakeholders realize that it takes time to acquire, reinforce, and build on literacy and content skills. Students who fail to complete the program in two years may be asked to withdraw from the University.


Placement and Promotion in the FYP

All applicants to the FYP will be assigned a learning level in each of the three subjects (English, IT, and Mathematics) based on their performance on special tests designed to measure their abilities, skills, and knowledge in these three areas.

In the English program, other specially prepared diagnostic tests may be used to test the mastery level in the various language skills and elements (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary).

Promotion to a higher level in each of the three subjects (English, IT, Mathematics) is not automatic; learners must demonstrate that they have successfully met the instructional objectives set for the current level before moving on to a higher level. The placement test will be administered again to serve as a measurement of progress made by the learners over the period of one semester.


Learner Evaluation

In addition to traditional achievement tests and quizzes, learners will be assessed by alternative forms of assessment that are more formative and qualitative in nature, such as portfolios, focused observations with checklists, self and peer assessment, interviews, projects, oral presentations, and conferences.

Exit from the program will be determined upon achievement of a satisfactory score on well-designed measures of proficiency in the various areas.



English Courses


ENG 100                  Foundation Year English 1                                                                                                     

This 15-week Intensive English Program aims at developing students’ ability to understand and use English confidently by improving their four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The program provides students with language skills, functions, and structures that are essential for successful communication in both speaking and writing. It is also meant to prepare students to pursue specialized courses taught through the medium of English. The program also provides instruction pertaining to the fundamentals of language skills, including reading, composition, and listening skills; grammar; and study skills.

To these ends, the course is divided into four modules: Listening & Speaking, Reading, Grammar and Writing. Students study in class/lab 18 contact hours weekly.

Course Syllabus

ENG 200                  Foundation Year English 2                                          

This multi-skill intermediate course is a continuation of the first level English course (ENG100) in the sense that it aims at further consolidation of the four language skills through more sophisticated language texts and structures, with also a special focus on writing. The course requires a review and practice of the basic grammar, writing and reading skills needed for a college level writing course, and the study of rhetorical structures as applied to effective writing communication. 

To these ends, the course is divided into four modules: Listening & Speaking, Reading, Grammar and Writing. Students study in class/lab 18 contact hours weekly.

Prerequisite: ENG100

Course Syllabus


Mathematics Courses 


MATH 100               Foundation Year Mathematics 1                                                    

The course is the first of two elementary mathematics courses required in the Foundation Year Program (FYP). It involves fundamentals and skills that should be mastered by each student before enrollment in a college-level math course. It introduces students to mathematical symbols and notations, number sets, basic algebraic operations, algebra of exponents, radicals, fractional expressions, absolute value, complex numbers, basic elementary geometry, polynomials, linear equations and linear inequalities, absolute value equations, quadratic equations, graphs, functions, zeros of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions.

The course is designed to be covered in 15 weeks on the basis of 5 contact hours per week (i.e. daily lecture). 

Course Syllabus

MATH 200               Foundation Year Mathematics 2                                              

The course is the second in a series of two fundamental elementary mathematics courses required in the Foundation Year Program (FYP). It introduces students to Trigonometry, Vectors, Matrices and solving systems of linear equations, Sequences and series, and Probability concepts. The course is designed to be covered in approximately 15 weeks on the basis of 5 contact hours per week (i.e. daily lecture). This course must be passed before the student advances to any academic math course in their program.

The course is designed to be covered in 15 weeks on the basis of 5 contact hours per week (i.e. daily lecture).

Prerequisite: MATH100

Course Syllabus


IT Courses

IT 100  Foundation Year Information Technology 1                                                                                                    

IT foundation level I is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computing and information technology for modern PC. Topics covered include basic understanding of digital computer system, microcomputers, operating systems, application software development, database technology, data communication and networks, data and information, types of network sand the Internet. In addition, hands-on lab using Windows OS, MS Office, and Excel spread sheet and the Internet uses will be covered during the course.

The course is designed to be covered in 15 weeks on the basis of 4 contact hours per week. 

Course Syllabus

IT 200  Foundation Year Information Technology 2                                                                                                         

IT foundation level II is a main computer course offered for all new students. This course highlights the role of the computers in our life. In addition, it covers all the details and techniques needed to present power point presentations; it shows the importance of the internet and e-mail in our life and how to search the internet and maneuver the net and the e-mail in a perfect way. Furthermore, it introduces the Basic definition of Database Management System "DBMS" (Access) - Concepts and how to build and change the table structure. Finally, this course introduces the needed knowledge in creating Web-Based pages using the Microsoft Office Front Page program.

The course is designed to be covered in 15 weeks on the basis of 4 contact hours per week.

Prerequisite: IT 100

Course Syllabus